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Annual Report 2024 - Foundation Veterans for Lebanon


The new year 2025 has now begun, a good time to look back on the year 2024. While 2023 was already marked by many contrasts and challenges, 2024 was even more special in many ways. Our previous expectations often turned out not to be true. It became clear once again that Lebanon remains an important playing field in the geopolitics of the Middle East.

Was it a year of watching and waiting for us as a board? Absolutely not. It's safe to say that 2024 has been a dynamic and intense year. Below is an overview of our activities and achievements in the past year.

Return trip – a disappointing decision

We had to stop preparations for the possible return trip in April 2024 at the beginning of 2024. Although at the end of 2023 we still hoped that the clashes between Hezbollah and Israel would be temporary, it soon became clear that the situation remained unpredictable. Safe travel was therefore impossible.

In consultation with Transavia, all bookings were fully reimbursed. Still, it was a painful decision for the returnees who had been looking forward to the trip for so long. We hope that future trips to southern Lebanon will be possible again in the near future. That will depend on how events develop in 2025.

The documentary 'In the Service of Peace'

The Playback Images documentary about UNIFIL and the Dutch contribution to it, intended for the NPO, was only shown in cinemas in 2024. Thanks to a successful crowdfunding campaign, the cinema version could be realized. With the support of the Vfonds and various donors, the premiere took place on 27 March 2024 in Deventer.

Prominent guests were present on this occasion, including the battalion commander of the current 44th, the Lebanese ambassador in The Hague, Mr. Abdel Issa Sater, and the military attaché of the Dutch embassy in Beirut. The documentary was enthusiastically received by a full house.

Media attention

The documentary generated a lot of media attention, with reports in both regional newspapers and national radio broadcasts. As the situation in Lebanon escalated further, with a ground war in the south, interest in UNIFIL veterans suddenly increased.

We were interviewed a lot by Dutch radio, TV and newspapers. Even on the Belgian radio Vrt we could be heard live in a radio interview. A highlight was an extensive article with several photos in the NRC on October 14, 2024. This focus has helped us expand our network, allowing us to be more effective in achieving our goals.

Relief supplies to Lebanon

Sending relief goods remained an important part of our activities. The last container from September 2023 reached its final destination in Beirut in November of that year without any problems.

Due to the changing situation in the Middle East, we decided to temporarily stop sending goods. But after the Israeli invasion in September 2024, we received an urgent request from the Lebanese ambassador for medical supplies. Thanks to our extensive network, we were able to quickly collect a large shipment of medical supplies and have them flown in by the Ministry of Defence in early October 2024.

In November, we sent a full container with medical supplies, intended for Lebanese hospitals. We also organized a nationwide campaign together with Light of Dawn and Sinan Kan's Shams Rumi Foundation, to bring warmth to Lebanon. On December 13, 2024, a packed container left Deventer, which will reach Beirut in mid-January 2025 with some delay.

Special about this shipment were 90 Sheltersuits, specially donated by Sheltersuit Foundation. These warm suits will help people in need in Lebanon.

To cover the extra costs, including transport and import costs for the recipients, we have once again set up a campaign. Although this one didn't get going as quickly as the previous one, we also received a lot of donations this time. Thanks to this support, including from many Unifillers, this action also succeeded. We hope to get the container through customs and import procedures at the port of Beirut without any problems, so that the goods can be distributed quickly.

With all the projects and transports that we have realized, we can say that donations, material or financial, are really well spent on us. We have been able to increase all these contributions at least 5 times in value. We can do this by collecting the right materials and linking them to projects that develop added value.

Looking ahead to 2025

The past year has been dynamic for us, but dramatic for Lebanon. More than a million Lebanese fled from southern Lebanon to the relatively safe north.

What the future holds remains uncertain, but we remain committed to making a difference. The development of return trips continues to depend on the security situation. Perhaps earlier trips to Beirut and the north are possible, but making real return trips as before remains to be seen.

In 2025, we hope to make a difference again with actions such as 'Bring warmth to Lebanon' and our school projects. These projects offer children hope for a better future. That's what we do it for!


Thank you for your continued support.

On behalf of the board of
the Veterans for Lebanon Foundation


  Financial report 2024

movements 2024 1

   Budget 2025

 Budget 2025